How to get involved with WTB Dems in 2024
1. Attend monthly meetings and other WTB events.
Email [email protected] to add your name to our mailing list for announcements.
Email [email protected] to add your name to our mailing list for announcements.
3. Participate in canvassing in support of candidates.
Watch for opportunities posted on
Watch for opportunities posted on
4. Help with mailing, phoning and texting efforts
Let us know of your willingness to help. Email [email protected]
Let us know of your willingness to help. Email [email protected]
5. Greet voters at polling places on Election Day.
Respond to the SignUpGenius link posted at in the weeks prior to an election.
Respond to the SignUpGenius link posted at in the weeks prior to an election.
6. Volunteer to observe voting as a poll watcher.
Find information on poll watching at
Find information on poll watching at
7. Work at a polling place for Chesco Voter Services.
Find information on poll watching at
Find information on poll watching at